Posted by Travis Newbury on 02/14/06 15:08
dorayme wrote:
> > Unlike many of the others that replied, I kind of agree with you that
> > the site is neither great or fancy
> > Your site looks plain and simple (though much better than most) Some
> > will interpret that as your content is also plain and simple, and go
> > elsewhere (is there anywhere else to go?)
> Just think about it, a person goes to the site to look for info
> on washing machines (because he or she has a problem probably)
> and he or she takes a look and sees all the stuff simply laid out
> and he or she does not bother to read any of it, just looks and
> thinks, "Oh no, this is too plain a site, not enough flashy
> things, fancy doodle colours, I won't bother to read any of it at
> all..."
> Not likely.
Uh, no quite the opposite. And the research shows it. (google it your
self) Many people base their confidence of a sites contents on the look
of the site. The stats have been posted here several times over the
last few years. I believe googling something like "consumer confidence
stats website design" may lead you in the right direction. As a
matter of fact there was someone here that did usibility studies for a
living that posted the stats.
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