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Re: section page up/down keys down seem to work within <div>

Posted by Jonathan N. Little on 02/17/06 00:40 wrote:

> It seems that with my browser (IE 6.0.29) that when I left mouse click
> in a section created by <div> then my page up and down keys don't
> scroll me up and down anymore. Should it? If so, how can I fix the
> HTML page?

If you mean with IE if you left-click and HOLD the button down that the
Page Up and Page Down keys don't work?

You can fix it by using Firefox! ;-)

Firstly it has nothing to do with DIV's but with IE's event processing.
And secondly it is not just the Page Up and Page Down keys. If you
left-click and HOLD anywhere on a webpage in IE none of the direction
keys will be recognized, Page Up, Page Down, Home, End, Up Arrow, Down
Arrow, Left Arrow, Right Arrow!

Does work in Gecko browsers and Opera and even old Netscape 4.x!

Take care,




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