Posted by Beauregard T. Shagnasty on 02/18/06 04:44
Ed Mullen wrote:
> Beauregard T. Shagnasty wrote:
>> http://k75s.home.att.net/show/wired2blow.jpg
> Just curious, but what are you attempting to show with that image?
> the site looks fine on all of my browsers.
It is exactly as I see it, in multiple browsers. <shrug>
When trying to see the individual images and trying to figure out why
they do not display, I get results such as this, while using the image
file names:
Dunno. There isn't anything really unusual about my browsing environment
other than I don't use Internet Exploder.
Oh wait, let's try that. Hark! In IE, I see images! But not in any other
browser [Firefox/Mozilla/Opera]. Don't know why.
-Warning: I brake for lawn deer
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