Posted by DH on 09/08/05 17:26
"AK" <AK_TIREDOFSPAM@hotmail.COM> wrote in message
> instead of deleting tons of rows, you could SELECT INTO <new table> the
> rows you intend to keep, drop the old table, and rename the new one.
> Could be much faster
Or BCP the WANTED data out (you can create a view of the wanted records and
bcp from the view), drop indexes, truncate, load it back in and reindex.
BCP can be done as a mostly unlogged operation.
One way or another, you probably want to reindex to reorganize the table.
I recommend:
1. Testing with a small quantity of data in test tables and view with same
structure as real tables.
2. Good backups.
- or -
A strong, good-looking resume all printed and ready to roll.
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