Posted by Mike on 09/20/05 17:12
Thanks GP, but when I uncheck the "Write to the Windows Application
Event Log"
option the job still writes to the Application Event Log. I noticed
some strange behavior when unchecking this option. When it is checked
the drop down that's associated with it is showing "When the job fails"
so before unchecking it I changed the drop down to "When the job
succeeds" and then unchecked the box. After applying the changes and
running the job, the Application Event Log still gets written to, and
when I go back to the job I just changed, I see the disabled drop down
showing "When the job fails" again. I want to see the messages getting
written if the job fails, but only suppress the informational messages
upon success, but either way this method fails to suppress the
successful informational messages. FYI, I have never seen the
Transaction Log Backup job fail.
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