Posted by Radu on 09/29/52 11:27
Hi. I have data which comes as a string like
"... Store #61"
but sometimes it is
"... Store 61"
and sometimes it is
"... Store 061"
For three digits, it might be "... Store 561" or "... Store #561", or
"... Store 0561".....
The only thing I can be sure of is that the last 2 or 3 (significant)
digits of this field represent the StoreNumber.
I have to link this table on field StoreNumber with another table where
the data is ALWAYS like 0061, 0561, etc, so always four digits, padded
with zeroes.
I'd like to use the equivalent of the VB function
Format(StoreNumber), "0000"), but Format does NOT exist in TSQL.
How could I solve this problem ? Please bear with me - I'm a beginner
in SQL...
Thank you very much
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