Posted by Steve Kass on 10/07/05 08:45
See what you get from
select PeriodYear, PeriodMonth
from yourTable
where PeriodYear not between '1753' and '9999'
or (PeriodMonth not between '1' and '12'
and PeriodMonth not between '01' and '09')
Steve Kass
Drew University
v0lcan0 wrote:
> I’m trying to cast and integer type to a varchar and then concatenate
> two varchar and ’01’ and convert it into datetime with the following
> code:
> CONVERT(datetime, { fn CONCAT({ fn CONCAT(CAST(PeriodYear AS varchar),
> CAST(PeriodMonth AS varchar)) }, ’01’) }, 112) AS date
> It gives an error saying syntax error converting datetime from
> character string.
> Any help appreciated!!
> thx..
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