Posted by Tom on 10/10/05 23:14
So, you don't know why one-to-one relationship is bad.
"--CELKO--" <jcelko212@earthlink.net> wrote in message
>>> I want to limit the number of columns to be the key. <<
> You missed the whole point of a data model. It is supposed to reflect
> reality, and not your wishes. If the entities have a key that is made
> of (n) atributes, then you have to put the proper constraints in the
> DDL.
>>> have a company with many employees and computers. But instead of
>>> classify all these, I just want to call all these as an entity. <<
> Kind of like a small child who uses the word "THINGIE" for everything
> in creation? Please read a book on data modeling before you code
> anything.
> "To be is to be something n particular; to be nothing in particular or
> to be everythign in general is to be nothing at all" -- Aristotle
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