Posted by Trevor Best on 11/02/05 22:36
downlode@gmail.com wrote:
> Hi,
> I am writing to a text column in my SQL Server 2000 database. The text
> comes from a web form in my java web application, where the character
> encoding is ISO-8859-1. (I have no control over the charset, my app is
> a plugin inside another app.)
> Characters such as €(ascii 128) and '(ascii 146) are inserted into
> the db as '?'.
> I'm connecting using the free jtds driver, and I'm not specifying any
> details about charsets in my usage of the driver.
> Can anyone tell me what the default charset in sqlserver 2000 is?
> Should I be specifying this charset when using my driver?
> Thanks.
You probably want to use ntext instead of text, nvarchar instead of
varchar, etc.
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