Posted by joshsackett on 11/16/05 16:04
SQL Server sees 8 CPUs because the OS sees 8 CPUs. Windows 2003 is
hyper-threading aware, so you shouldn't worry about SQL 2000 not
handling parellelism well (although SQL 2005 is supposed to do it
better). If this were a Windows 2000 box, I would recommend turning
hyper-threading off.
Regarding SP_WHO2: Often times processes block themselves. I wouldn't
worry about it too much unless you see many processes blocked. Also,
sometimes processes do show up multiple times and you may find the
difference in the SP_WHO2 output or you may not. But the different
values will be in the sysprocesses table if you were to correspond each
SPID from the output to the table.
Error 15407 means invalid login. That happens all the time with SQL
Server. If see you a lot then someone may be attempting to hack into
your server. You are lucky if it is a domain user (e.g.
EURODOMAIN\JOHNSMITH) because you can go to his desk and hit him with a
stick. If you only see the error from a SQL login, then you should open
a Profiler window and perform a trace on Login:Failed and be sure to
check the HOSTNAME column. You can at least bring that information back
to your network group and possibly trace the person that way.
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