Posted by jsfromynr on 12/15/05 15:32
Hi There,
Some minor suggestions
try not to use LIKE as in this case
Replace it with
AND Rel.PROJ_NAME = 'R26.0'
And Try to replace <> as below
AND Feat.CmtStatus <> 'Concept'
AND Feat.CmtStatus <> 'Identified'
AND Feat.CmtStatus Is Not Null
Let us say other CMTStatus which you want to check are
'Stage1','Stage2' etc
Then You can use
Feat.CmtStatus In ('Stage1','Stage2',.....)
These are the minor suggestions without looking at the database tables
and other aspects like table size , indexes it would be difficult to
arrive at some conclusion
With Warm regards
jatinder Singh
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