Posted by Mart�n Marqu�s on 04/28/05 15:44
El Jue 28 Abr 2005 09:42, Jochem Maas escribió:
> Martín Marqués wrote:
> > I have an object class in which I'm doing chr() calls, especifically in
> > definition of some variables, and when loading the class I get this error:
> >
> > Parse error: parse error, unexpected '(', expecting ',' or ';' in
> > on line 51
> >
> > Line 51 has:
> >
> > var $textoInicio = chr(27) . chr(64);
> you can only assign 'basic' values (types) to vars in the class definition
> (so no function calls) . e.g:
Yes, that's how I solved it just a minute ago, even though I didn't understand
why. Thanks for the enlightenment. :-)
BTW does PHP5 let you assign function values in the variable definition (like
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Martín Marqués | select 'mmarques' || '@' || 'unl.edu.ar'
Centro de Telematica | DBA, Programador, Administrador
Universidad Nacional
del Litoral
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