Posted by plsullivan63 on 12/20/05 16:36
Question: (SQL Server 2000) Can I arbitrarily delete a transaction log
file in either bulk or full with a cron job and still be able to
restore a backup? Or are the log and the .bak enmeshed to the extent
that this not do-able?
Details: I need to exclude a file group from a backup as it's static
data and replicated on a remote server. In order to do this I cannot
use a simple recovery model which I currently use; at least in the GUI
the exclude filegroup option is grayed-out. So it appears I need to use
either bulk or full backups although I only need the functionality of
the simple model.
Is there another way to delete/truncate this transaction log without
making a backup? Or can I just schedule backup through the day to
handle this issue?
Obviously I am not a DBA but still need to solve this problem.
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