Posted by Mike Epprecht \(SQL MVP\) on 12/20/05 16:48
If you are lucky you can, BUT it is not supported do delete the log's file.
You may end up with a corrupted DB, so you would really be screwed.
The correct way is to make a log backup before you take a full backup.
Ideally, you should take log backups frequently during the day otherwise
point in time recovery will be very difficult to attain.
Mike Epprecht, Microsoft SQL Server MVP
Zurich, Switzerland
IM: mike@epprecht.net
MVP Program: http://www.microsoft.com/mvp
Blog: http://www.msmvps.com/epprecht/
<plsullivan63@gmail.com> wrote in message
> Question: (SQL Server 2000) Can I arbitrarily delete a transaction log
> file in either bulk or full with a cron job and still be able to
> restore a backup? Or are the log and the .bak enmeshed to the extent
> that this not do-able?
> Details: I need to exclude a file group from a backup as it's static
> data and replicated on a remote server. In order to do this I cannot
> use a simple recovery model which I currently use; at least in the GUI
> the exclude filegroup option is grayed-out. So it appears I need to use
> either bulk or full backups although I only need the functionality of
> the simple model.
> Is there another way to delete/truncate this transaction log without
> making a backup? Or can I just schedule backup through the day to
> handle this issue?
> Obviously I am not a DBA but still need to solve this problem.
> Thanks,
> Phil
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