Posted by Edward on 01/31/06 21:43
"David Portas" <REMOVE_BEFORE_REPLYING_dportas@acm.org> wrote in message
> Edward wrote:
>> Hi group,
>> Using Oracle, and given that $date=30/01/2006, you can construct a query
>> as
>> follows:
>> select * from table
>> where date_field between to_date('$date', 'dd/mm/yyyy') and
>> to_date('$date',
>> 'dd/mm/yyyy')+1
>> What is the equivalent with MSSQL?
>> Thanks,
>> Edward
> SET @date = '20060130' ;
> FROM table
> WHERE date_col >= @date
> AND date_col < DATEADD(DAY,1,@date) ;
> In SQL Server DATETIME / SMALLDATETIME always includes time as well as
> date. The above query restricts to a 24hr daterange so adjust the
> DATEADD or < accordingly if that isn't what you intended.
> --
> David Portas, SQL Server MVP
> Whenever possible please post enough code to reproduce your problem.
> Including CREATE TABLE and INSERT statements usually helps.
> State what version of SQL Server you are using and specify the content
> of any error messages.
> SQL Server Books Online:
> http://msdn2.microsoft.com/library/ms130214(en-US,SQL.90).aspx
> --
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