Posted by --CELKO-- on 02/04/06 03:38
>> Note the use of greater _OR EQUAL_ for start_date, but lesser (and not equal) for end_date). This will always work - both for datetime and smalldatetime, and it will
continue to work if Microsoft ever decides to change the precision of
their datetime datatypes. <<
Good point. I keep forgetting that SQL Server does not follow the
FIPS-127 rules about keeping at least five decimal places of seconds
like other products. Generally goiing to 1/100 of a second has worked
for me in the real world -- CAST ('2006-01-01 23:59:59.99' AS
If we had the OVERLAPS predicate, we could use that, but I prefer the
BETWEEN with adjusted times in the non-conformng SQLs I use. I can
move the code with a text change.
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