Posted by Serge Rielau on 02/07/06 15:31
Tony Rogerson wrote:
> Partitioning works fine, in fact, it helped SQL Server to become the first
> product to break then 1million TPS on the TPC benchmarks - google it.
Are you refering to TPC-C and TpmC? If so the first to break 1M was
Oracle http://www.tpc.org/tpcc/results/tpcc_result_detail.asp?id=103110401
The only > 1M result I see from MS is this one:
I do very much doubt that any vendor including SQL Server is using SMP
paralelism in the TPC-C benchmark because the load is driven by the high
number of concurrent users. SMP parallelism is mostly useful for low
concurrency enviroments (such as warehouses (TPC-H)).
Serge Rielau
DB2 Solutions Development
DB2 UDB for Linux, Unix, Windows
IBM Toronto Lab
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