Posted by Michael G on 09/08/05 00:26
The following is from
http://php.mirrors.ilisys.com.au/manual/en/security.database.sql-injection.php .
Would someone explain the following lines, in particular I don't understand
'$paramArr[\'$1\']' nor do I understand how the syntax {1} works or how it
is related to arrays?
Thanks, mIke.
<some code snipped>
return preg_replace('/\{(.*?)\}/ei','$paramArr[\'$1\']', $queryString);
$sqlQuery = 'SELECT col1, col2 FROM tab1 WHERE col1 = {1} AND col3 = {2}
LIMIT {3}';
$stm = mysql_query(prepareSQL($sqlQuery, array('username', 24.3, 20);
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