Posted by webguynow on 09/09/05 00:36
I'm trying to build a good DB Layer on top of Pear::DB
Are there any forums or knowledge base sites on this direct topic ?
I've been using the documentation at:
But since I'm not always online, is there a way I can download this ?
Or if the documentation is derived from the classes, How can I build
related ?: If there are no public hosts supporting MySQL5 and prepared
statements, how long will we have to wait to use this functionality ?
I did see 1 host using MySQL5 -Ensim
I'm wondering how portable/transparent the DB platform is, expecially
if I code using alot of the prepared statement(PS) API and then end up
on a Host only supporting MySQL4.
executeEmulateQuery() I'm reading some code to see if this really does
allow the DB PS API to work with MySQL4. more later ...
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