Posted by Marcus Bointon on 05/04/05 16:10
I've run into a little problem. The docs for getcwd() mentions: "On
some Unix variants, getcwd() will return FALSE if any one of the
parent directories does not have the readable or search mode set,
even if the current directory does." OS X is evidently one of these,
and it's stopping Smarty running at all as it causes the
smarty_core_create_dir_structure function to fail in userdir sites.
This means that I have to give read and execute permissions to /, /
Users, /Users/marcus, /Users/marcus/Sites etc, which is not great for
userdir sites. I noticed that the permissions on /Users is:
drwxrwxr-t 12 root admin 408 Apr 29 21:58 ./
I can't find any docs on what the 't' bit means. Anyone know?
Any other workarounds for this?
Marcus Bointon
Synchromedia Limited: Putting you in the picture
marcus@synchromedia.co.uk | http://www.synchromedia.co.uk
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