Posted by Adam on 09/15/05 19:00
On Thu, 15 Sep 2005 00:40:29 -0700, Tim Roberts wrote:
>Adam <anon@nowhere.com> wrote:
>>I'm trying to track who's logged into a site (without setting flags in
>>the databses).
>>At the moment, each user gets a cookie with "Usr_Name" set if
>>authentication goes through OK.
>>Is there a way of looping through ALL the values of a particular
>>cookie, eg $_COOKIE['Usr_Name'] ... that would give me an output of
>No. This information is not stored on your server. Fred's cookie comes in
>with every request Fred sends, but unless you are storing it somewhere, the
>cookie goes away as soon as the request is sent.
Yep ... sounds logica. Thanks for the enlightenment (and to all other
posters). !!
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