Posted by Jochem Maas on 01/14/05 02:30
Greg Donald wrote:
> On Thu, 13 Jan 2005 19:29:36 +0100, Zouari Fourat <fourat@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'd go with Subversion. I switched from CVS about 6 months ago and
> haven't had any issues.
I hardly dare ask, but here goes anyway... do you use a visual client
for subversion? the reason I ask is that I found cvs a nightmare until
someone pointed me to tortoiseCVS - which is just too easy to use!
And I just noticed tortoiseSVN exists which seems to be the subversion
counterpart...(can't tell if the projects/devs are related or whether
the name is merely a little mark of respect towards its cvs counterpart)
Also did you step over to subversion out of need for extra functionality
or was it originally down to curiosity - personally I'm still struggling
with the concepts of branches and tag too much to dive in and learn even
more powerful functionality.
BTW: I just want to reiterate that I'm sorry for offending you in the
first place and the fact that my attempt at humour missed the mark.
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