Posted by Colin McKinnon on 09/27/05 12:30
Malcolm Dew-Jones wrote:
> langhammer@gmail.com wrote:
> : anybody knows a good class who makes possible to create charts as
> : line-graph ?
> : Mostly I can find only classes to include with more as 50kilobytes. But
> : I need a small programm, because I have 750 users in one moment.
> : The most classes includes pie,circles,... so they are to big.
> Not clear what you have tried.
> Do you mean a php class to create a gif/jpeg/etc image of a chart?
> Or a Java class for an applet to display on the browser.
> Or a Javascript class to do whatever it does.
> Read up on gnuplot. It can create all sorts of graphs and output various
> output formats. Being a compiled program it is fast to run. Since it
> runs as a standalone program (i.e. not part of your application) then
> there are no GPL licensing issues.
Personally I use jpgraph (a large PHP include file). I think you might be
surprised at how well it scales compared with running gnuplot and the docs
are (IMHO) a lot easier to comprehend. Gnuplot *might* be better for
working with large datasets. If the data isn't very dynamic, jpgraphs
caching will definitely give it the edge.
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