Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 09/27/05 14:24
Bruce A. Julseth wrote:
> My production server is on GoDaddy. I haven't checked yet, but I doubt
> GoDaddy will allow me to go outside of my "Paid" space. I know I cannot
> create a table via PHP. I have to use their "manual" interface. Of course, I
> can load the table with data using PHP.
> If my guess is correct, anybody have any other suggestions?
> Thanks..
> Bruce
I don't know about GoDaddy, but are you sure? I've seen several hosting
companies where I can access the directory immediately below the
document root.
But if you can't, just place the config file in a directory protected by
..htaccess. I just prefer having it outside the document root to ensure
no one else can get to it.
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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