Posted by R. Rajesh Jeba Anbiah on 09/29/05 19:17
> How can I test PHP scripts, mods & forums (phpBB) on my PC ?
> I'm affraid it's little more complicated than only instaling PHP, than, I
> would probably need to install mySQL ... and so on ...
> Is there any software for this purpose available (freeware, shareware),
> for newbies ?
<news:1110994441.546648.198450@l41g2000cwc.googlegroups.com> (
http://groups.google.com/group/comp.lang.php/msg/1577ae082bba11b3 )
<?php echo 'Just another PHP saint'; ?>
Email: rrjanbiah-at-Y!com Blog: http://rajeshanbiah.blogspot.com/
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