Posted by Erwin Moller on 10/22/09 11:29
ATS wrote:
> I forgot how to search a newsgroup for text.
Use Google, but press the 'groups' instead of the default 'web'.
You will get access to full text serach in every ng chached by google. (This
is actually the old dejanews if you remember that service)
I took a HD crash and lost
> the
> "Favorites" that had that for me. If someone could post that, I'd
> appreciate it.
Your favorites?
Well, I am afraid I do not have a copy of them. :P
> Same crash took out all my PHP "Favorites". That is one of the things I'm
> looking for. What are the best places for syntax, tutorials and examples?
I think you show start with www.php.net
and if you are a starter, maybe www.w3schools.com
If you are looking for classes: www.phpclasses.org
And of course: This newsgroup, but you found that already. :-)
> TIA,
Erwin Moller
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