Posted by R. Rajesh Jeba Anbiah on 10/14/05 14:42
comp.lang.php wrote:
> I was told it was "so easy" to use gzip.. so how do I use gzip?
Glad that you're sorted out already. Anyway, if I'm right you were
actually trying to use command line version of gzip.
If you have zlib enabled (it must be enabled as you could use
Archive_zip), you can use gzip functions <http://in.php.net/zlib>. As
the usernotes suggest, possibly the easiest way to create gzipped file
is using URL wrapper:
file_put_contents('compress.zlib://hello.txt.gz', 'Hello');
<?php echo 'Just another PHP saint'; ?>
Email: rrjanbiah-at-Y!com Blog: http://rajeshanbiah.blogspot.com/
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