Posted by pete M on 09/26/64 11:15
George Pitcher wrote:
> Hi,
> I've now built several applications using Smarty. Having just launced our
> main customer interface yesterday, I'm now concentrating on the staff
> interface. This was working yesterday and after doing some mods last night
> and reloading them onto my server this morning, I'm having a problem with
> some of them loading.
> For example, on one page I do the following:
> $smarty->display('header.tpl');
> $smarty->display('header_links.tpl');
> $smarty->display('copynav.tpl');
> $smarty->display('copyactblock.tpl');
> $smarty->display('copyright_r.tpl');
That seems a very strange way of doing things..
Why dont you have one page eg page_container.tpl
and inside page_container.tpl
{include file='header.tpl'}
{include file='header_links.tpl'}
{include file='copynav.tpl'}
{include file='copyactblock.tpl'}
{include file='copyright_r.tpl'}
and then
> Now the first four will load but not the last one, which just happens to be
> the main page.
> I've tried emptying the templatec_c folder but that doesn't help at all.
> Can anyone suggest a solution?
> George in Oxford
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