Posted by Stefan Berglund on 11/19/25 11:29
On Sat, 15 Oct 2005 20:19:21 GMT, "Ian Davies" <iandan.dav@virgin.net> wrote:
in <dvd4f.3231$6i4.233@newsfe7-gui.ntli.net>
>My host does not allow external connections to my MySQL database on their
>server from a remote computer. I would like users of my VB application to be
>able to add records from a table on said database to their local MySQL
>database. Can anyone advise me of my options to solve this one (appart from
>changing host)?
Create an ASP that queries the database and saves the recordset to the response
object. This method assumes the information is encrypted in the db if it's
<%Option Explicit%>
<!--#include file="inc/asp_head.asp" -->
<!--#include file="inc/asp_connect.asp" -->
<%Dim rs: Set rs = cn.Execute("get_OnlineEntries " &
LikePhrase(ValidateInputString(Request.QueryString("ShowTitle"),"")) & "," &
rs.Save Response: rs.Close: Set rs = Nothing: cn.Close: Set cn = Nothing%>
VB app:
Public Function GetOnlineEntries(ByRef sURL As String) As Variant
Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset: Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset: rs.Open sURL
If (Not rs.EOF) Then GetOnlineEntries = rs.GetRows: If (Not rs Is Nothing)
Then rs.Close
End Function
mURL = "http://" & frmMain.IP_Main & "/getonlineentries.asp?ShowTitle=" &
URLEncode(frmMain.ShowTitle) & "&ShowDates=" & URLEncode(frmMain.ShowDates)
Dim moe: moe = GetOnlineEntries(mURL)
mbOnlineEntries = IsArray(moe)
Stefan Berglund
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