Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 11/20/13 11:29
Oliver Saunders wrote:
>> create rule foo
>> as on insert to foo
>> where exists (
>> select 1
>> from foo
>> where id = new.id
>> )
>> do instead
>> update foo
>> set data = new.data
>> where id = new.id
>> ;
> wow that is a good database
> can you do anything like that in MySQL?
It's possible in any of the commercial databases. SQL Server, Oracle
and DB2 have similar option, for example. But these can cost thousands
of dollars.
MySQL is good for a free database, and they are adding more features to
it every day. But it got a much later start than most other databases,
and being basically free, it doesn't get new features as quickly. But I
think the developers are doing a great job in making it a better database.
Postgres is also a super database - in some ways ahead of MySQL. But
it's not as common with the shared hosting companies, so people don't
know as much about it. If you can choose your database, it's worth a
check, also.
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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