Posted by Dave Smithz on 10/22/05 17:11
"Gordon Burditt" <gordon@hammy.burditt.org> wrote in message
> Some mail transports honor the "Errors-To:" header for bounces.
> Many mail clients honor the "Reply-To:" header for responses, and
> for those that don't, you could put the same address in the From:
> header if the transport you are sending mail through lets you
> fake addresses in this way.
> This may not work 100%. Note that it's not just *YOUR* mail transport
> that needs to honor "Errors-To:", it's all of them that your
> badly-addressed mail might go through.
So it sounds like the "Errors-to" is not something I can rely on (Also the
php mailer class does not seem to support this). In which case this leaves
me thinking the following.
I could make the "from" email address be the one where I would want the
technical problem (e.g. no email address) bounce backs. And then set the
"reply-To" to be the address which receivers of the email would reply to if
they were sending an email back.
I think this would work but would leave the email address as if it was
received from the email address set to receive bounce backs (could cause
confusion with customers).
Is there any other way of getting around this or is my above mentioned
method the best?
Kind regards
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