Posted by swayze on 10/30/05 10:18
thanks for the replies. I'll try using encodeURIComponent() and hope
for the best. However, if this does not solve my problem, this form on
the fly, what did you have in mind? (Please bear with me. I'm originaly
a .net programmer :-S )
Let me explain my situation:
Right now I'm using iframes. a left and a right frame.
The left frame accesses the db, uses a web service, displays some
stuff, user interacts with the stuff, reaccesses db, web service ect...
at the end I'm changing, with javascript, the location of the right
frame with something like "parent.RIGHT.location =
'right.php?somevar='+might_have_turk_chars" in order to refresh the
contents. I could just send the right frame some numbers, but the with
all the intensive (and also redundant because the left frame has
already done all of it) webservice and db accesses, the delay can be
rather long. I'm just want to send the data to the right frame to be
appended to the existing data. I've considered updating the right frame
only using javascript, but found that building complex table structures
only using javascript and DOM with tds able to respond to javascript
events a little too challenging.
thaks again,
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