Posted by Techie Guy on 10/30/05 19:50
On Sun, 30 Oct 2005 15:01:07 GMT, Joe Estock
<jestock@NOSPAMnutextonline.com> wrote:
>Techie Guy wrote:
>> I'm trying to process a tab delimited file where each line in the file
>> has around 12 tab delimited elements. My problem is the elements are
>> surrounded by "quotes" and I need the script to remove the quotes
>> after loading the file to the $addresses variable.
>> The quotes need to be removed somewhere within the code below or by
>> processing the file before loading.
>> //read in the name and address lines from the txt file
>> //each line becomes an element in the array
>> $addresses= file("download.txt");
>This is a rather barbaric way to read in a file. What happens if the
>file is larger than the memory PHP is allowed to use? You should
>concider reading the file in line by line instead with the following:
>$fp = fopen('download.txt', 'r');
> $line = fgets($fp);
> /* do stuff */
Point taken the file rarely has more than 20 lines but I will use the
code supplied because I think it is an improvement.
>> //count the number of address lines in the array
>> $number_of_addresses = count($addresses);
>> if ($number_of_addresses == 0)
>> {
>> echo "No addresses to process";
>> }
>> echo "<table>";
>> for($i=1; $i<$number_of_addresses; $i++)
>> {
>> //split each line or row
>Before you split the line using explode, simply do:
>$line = explode("\t", str_replace('"', '', $addresses[$i]));
I had thought of the str_replce function but couldn't think how to use
it... thank you.
>> $line = explode("\t",$addresses[$i]);
>> TIA
>> More info if required
>TIA? IMHO this is bad netiquette - if you can't be bothered to take the
>time to write out "Thanks in advance" why should we be bothered to help?
Assuming that the reason for using TIA is "can't be bothered to take
the time to write it out", then I agree it could be poor netiquette.
However if there is another reason for it's use then it's not poor
> Joe
Cheers and thanks again
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