Posted by Marek Kilimajer on 10/19/15 11:15
Ryan A wrote:
> Hey,
> I have been screwing around with this code for around a day and am hitting a
> wall, any
> help would be appreciated.
> Basically, I am working on a site that queries the DB for companies and the
> plans the company
> is offering, the DB is quite big (a few thousand records in each of the 20
> tables)
> The parameters are taken from the client in the form of a search box and
> usually gives around 1000 results per query, they results are then displayed
> like this:
> company 1
> [] plan
> [] plan
> [] plan
> [] plan
> company 2
> [] plan
> [] plan
> [] plan
> company 3
> [] plan
> company 4
> [] plan
> [] plan
> So far, no problems (even though the code and the design are mixed together
> in the page)
> but so far the code is getting the results grouping via $cno, which results
> in the lowest being displayed first which gives the first companies who
> joined an edge as they are always getting displayed.
> Heres the kicker, he wants to have the same display as above....but randomly
> from the DB *while still* having pagination.. so new joined companies too
> get displayed and not shoved at the end of the results.
1. ORDER_BY RAND(), and keep the full result set (or just the ids) in
2. add another column, display_order, and update it at regular intervals
to random values.
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