Posted by Erwin Moller on 11/16/82 11:31
bizt wrote:
> Hi,
> I have an Intranet with the organisation I work with. In this
> organisation there are two departments - community department and press
> office. Both the community department and press office have thier own
> news system where they can add news in their own admin section that
> will appear on their homepages. Both admin section have their own DB
> table thus two seperate tables.
> I would like to select all the rows from both tables in a single SELECT
> statement so when I output them they will be integrated. This is not
> the same as a table join as their are no keys and I want the rows from
> both to remain seperate. Can this be done? Could someone please post an
> example SQL statement demonstrating this if so?
> Thanks
> Burnsy
Hi Burnsy,
Do you want to use two different datasources in 1 single query?
I think you are making things overcomplicated.
Why don't you query both datasources seperately, and then in PHP decide
which one to show in your unified 'resultset' ?
Erwin Moller
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