Posted by ToNNy_P on 05/10/05 01:10
question: How to transform 6$ in 6000$?????
Answer: I find on this on one forum absolutely accidentally and has decided to try. Strolling as usually on different - a sort to forums I find this will become, in which is spoken that possible do thousand dollars for the vapour a week when embedding the whole 6$. Well yes… has thought I, this must be next fun, but has decided even so read and hear that us for offer … Further was there spoken that is necessary send on 1$ on
6 WMZ purse's, which below transferred.
Afterwards delete a first purse from the list, hereunder having displaced list on one stitch upwards, hereunder sixth is freed, where You insert a number its WMZ purse and scatter given, with You on the sixth stitch, message on 200 different forums.
No tricks… Well I Syn and thought that I nothing not lose except 6$… and has decided to try…
And guess that!!!!!!!!!!!!
For 7 days on my purse steels to come money!… I was in shock!!! But immediately has thought that on this all and will end… But not here that was!
At a first week I has done 25$, further by the end of second weeks already more 1000$...to the medium 3-d weeks 10 000$...!!!.Already 4-th week and I already count 42 000 $ and amount grows by leaps and bounds.
And so much for only for the price in 6$!!!
I was in very bad economic position before that as run on this will become.
I disbelieve that this works until begin to get translations from the whole light… I has bought all that me is necessary… and this much apropos, agree?!... ??! ?! ?
But now I tell;narrate You as this works and the most main WHY…!
I you promise that if you will be in accuracy to keep below transferred to instructions, you will begin to get much more money than you thought, not enclosing hereto particular efforts.
Offer: Read this vapour once!!! Follow to instructions and money begin to enter your purse on. Agree this simply!!!
This legal. And your contribution forms the whole
IT IS IMPORTANT: This not fraud and this not unlawfully herewith you nothing do not risks, but this works!!!
NOTICE: Follow instructions in ACCURACY and 50 000$ and will more be your during from 20 before
60 days. All this aptly works due to probity of participants.
Here is the very 2 steps to the success:
1. Take a first number WMZ purse from the list, send on it 1$, in the field "Note" write "Please contribute me in the list WMZ purse's".
All that You did this created a certain service and the most main this absolutely legal. You ask a legal service for which pay.
Send 6$ on following WMZ purse (in
each on 1$):
1. Z633213409518
2. Z258293701118
3. Z683835225662
4. Z854266934952
5. Z427264646503
6. Z987879387175
Now delete there of list first purse, position-independent hereunder list to one line above (6 becomes 5, 5 becomes 4 …..) And insert in 6-x stitch Your WMZ purse.
2. Do what want change, but save a main idea. Place this become on not less than 200 forums and news tapes (News
Groups) . Remember, than more you place that will above be your profit and this profit will be on direct to depend on you.
This business continues to exist and prosper due to probity and gravity of participants only.
Ithaca when you reach first positions by the you it's thousand dollars simply as a creator of list!
This cost (stand)s 6$ and quite trifling work!!!!!!!!
Main that this fun works and this sound!
Occupied this presently - not postponing on tomorrow….!!!!!!!!!!
Time a money!
But now I You tell;narrate,why You in any event nothing do not lose,but only win!!!!!!!
Say,from 200 accomodations I get;receive only 5 answers(much-very small and low numeral)!!!
Signifies,I get;receive 5$ being on 6-th positions in the list!!!Now these 5 people do on 200 accomodations each MINIMUM with my purse on 5 positions,and only 5 people answer that first heel-already 25$!!!!!!!!!!Further these 25 people do on
200 accomodations with my purse already on 4-th stitch(because insert their own) and only 5 answer-my earnings-125$!!!!!!!Now these 125 people having placed and having got only 5 answers give me 625$ profit(I on the third stitch)!!!!!!!!!!!!!Further in a funny:these is
625 people do on the MINIMUM 200 accomodations with me on 2-ouch stitch and only 5 people answer-already 3125$!!!!!!!!!!!Well but the most interesting-that these
3125 persons do on 200 accomodations each with me already on 1-ouch stitch and they answer again only 5 people,my return-15625$!!!!!!!!!!!Not such commanding numeral??!!!!!And so much for for the initial contribution to 6$!!!!!!!!When You in the list already no,You simply send again 6$ in same purse's,as in first once(for this save this become in notebook) and again,position-independent number an purse,having deleted first,shutter its number on 6 position and again place!!!!!!!!!!You itself can present that 1000 people from the whole world are attached to internet and read these articles each day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just as and You presently read this!!!!!!!!!!!Well so??
Spend You the whole 6$ to hear,works this??
But if You all will do so,as I has described above,THIS WILL WORK,SWORNS YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This line for pessimist's:А suddenly this business collapses and me nobody money does not send SO WHAT??
Each day in internet appear from 20000 before
50000 thousand new users!!!!!!!!!!On forecasts of specialists,only to 2006 year an amount of users internet will increase with actual 9 million persons,before 21 million!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!What chances that they want to try itself in than-that new?Only remember:
PROBITY And ONLY PROBITY OF PEOPLE allows to prosper this business!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well and last.......:that really great axiom-to get something,is necessary give something!!!!!!!!!!!!!!But to get else more,is necessary give else more!!!!!!!!!!!
Convince in this and you.
I sworns you this works! help to each other
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