Posted by Erwin Moller on 11/18/05 12:48
Stephanie Le Gall wrote:
> Thank you I'm going to have a look ...
> But one more question .... The automation is done from ie directly on the
> client poste, not on the server ... is it possible to turn down a server
> this way ?
The automation is done in IE-'browser'??
Well, no server is involved if you do that, I expect.
So in IE you create WORD and Excell objects?
(Are you aware that every sensible websurfer turned these options off in IE
for websurfing? Or are you developing for a 'thrusted zone'?)
You claimed before you where doing it on the server.
Are you sure this time? ;-)
Me a bit confused. :P
Anyway: if your server is leaking memory, while ONLY serving HTML and
running some scipts , and no instantiating of any COM objects is performed
on the server (except the standard stuff, like databaseconnectivity), well
then I expect the memoryleak is caused by something else than IIS.
We are talking about IIS, right?
Are you sure it is IIS that is causing the leaking?
Did you see its image/memfootprint grow on the server?
I mean, if you are running M$, almost anything can be the cause of memleaks.
M$ was/is famous for that.
(A long time rule-of-thumb for M$-administrators was: reboot every night)
You might do some profiling on the server to drill down to the right process
that is causing the server to run out of mem.
(These things can be hard to pinpoint.)
Sorry I cannot be of more help.
Good luck!
Erwin Moller
> Thanks again
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