Posted by Ray on 11/19/05 00:42
I am looking for some advise here... I am running php on RH9 Using Exim as a
MTA which is used as my test enviroment.
Problem is that when I send mail through php it is sent from
nobody@mydomain.com and the email is converted to plain text which displays
all the html..
Is there a configuration setting in my php.ini that must be set...
When I upload the scripts it works fine on the service providers side, but I
need to get my setup working properly...
Any advice out there??
Sample mail code..
$info = nl2br($_POST['info']);
$emailadd = $_POST['email'];
$to = "webmaster@domain.net";
$subject = "Information Request from Website";
$from = $_POST['name']."<".$_POST['email'].">";
$headers = "
MIME-Version: 1.0\n
From: $from\n
Bcc: ray@domain.co.za\n
Reply-To: $emailadd\n
Return-path: $emailadd\n
Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\n
X-Priority: 1\n
X-MSMail-Priority: High\n
X-Mailer: php\n";
$message = "
<font size=\"2\" face=\"Arial\">\n
<b>Name and Surname : </b>".$_POST['name']."<br>\n
<b>Office Phone : </b>".$_POST['officenum']."<br>\n
<b>Home Phone : </b>".$_POST['homenum']."<br>\n
<b>Cell : </b>".$_POST['cellnum']."<br>\n
<b>Email : </b>".$emailadd."<br>\n
<b>Info Requested :</b><br>\n
if(mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers)){
?> <br>
Thank you for your interest.
<p>Your request has been successfully transmitted.</p>
<p>We will contact you as soon as
possible. <br>
<p>There was an error transmitting your
query. We apologise for the inconvience. </p>
<p>Please <a
href="mailto:email@email.com"><font color="#FFFFFF">contact us</font></a>
for assistance. <br>
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