Posted by Gordon Burditt on 05/10/05 00:57
>Cool, this sounds a lot more sense...
>ok.. on /var/lib/mysql
>drwxrwxr-x 19 mysql mysql 4096 May 9 13:30 mysql
>that's the permission.
>I did a Unix level copied on all the mysql data. Except I did an INSERT
>command for the new server's mysql database to obtain user's account
>and priviledge. and then did a GRANT ALL to all the database.
>How can we address the "ownership" issue on the mysql database? I think
>this might be the problem..however,
>I thought if i did a mysql -u user
"mysql -u user" is a *MySQL* user name (and permission issue), not
a *UNIX* user name (and permission issue), even if the names happen
to be the same (and they very often are, for administrative
convenience). For a UNIX permission problem, the MySQL client
and/or server code is having problem accessing files MySQL is
supposed to control, but doesn't.
>to connect and change to that database, since i can do it..i assumed
>the priviledge is fine? no?
Do a "ls -alR" on /var/lib/mysql and look at ownership and permissions
on *ALL* the files, especially the ones you copied. They all should
be owned by user mysql, group mysql. Not all methods of doing a
Unix level copy preserve this. (Having user 'mysql' have different
uids on different systems can also confuse the issue, especially
if NFS mounts are involved.) Directories should have at least rwx
for the owner (user mysql). Files should have at least rw for the
owner (group mysql). Symlinks, if any, may have odd owners because
on some systems symlinks don't actually HAVE real owners. Just make
sure the symlinks point to a sane place.
Gordon L. Burditt
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