Posted by Steve on 11/29/05 11:51
> Now I've just got to work out the ramifications of making IIS run as a
> network user.
> Checking the services ...
> World Wide Web Publishing Service depends on
> IIS Admin Service which depends on
> Protected Storage
> Remote Procedure Call
> and then
> FTP, SMTP and NNTP depend on IIS Admin Service
> I can't change the logon for WWW without changing IIS Admin (I think).
> At this point I stopped playing in case I bring down the company
> Exchange service.
> With M$ reputation for security I guess I'll need to do some deep
> investigation to find out just what sort of network user account I'll
> have to create and what privileges will be required to at least try and
> keep things secure - unless you have any hints, links etc.
You could try posting your problem here:
<microsoft.public.inetserver.iis> (available via Google Groups.)
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