Posted by A. Timurhan Cevik on 10/03/66 11:33
You can try abstract factory pattern to create the content.
Such as, you have an abstract factory class for the content
class Content(){}
class PagesContent : Content()
class NewsContent : Content()
class abstract AbstractContentFactory()
public abstract function returnNews();
class PublishedContentFactory : AbstractContentFactory()
public function returnNews()
news=new NewsContent();
return news;
class UnpublishedContentFactory : AbstarctContentFactory()
public function returnNews()
news=new NewsContent();
return news;
and such. By this design, you can add new content and have classes
based on content and keeping publish status.
Another design would be keeping the publish status in a different class
and associating the content class with this class, if methods would be
the same for all content types.
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