Posted by presley2 on 09/27/44 11:33
I have a form, with some error checking, that works fine after "submit"
inserting into DB ---but I have a little problem, I cannot seem to make
my "select" fields sticky --I have tried several different solutions
and nothing works. The solution below works for errors (not selecting
from the pulldown) and for inserting into DB ...but does not work if
error checking stops the porcessing ...I want it to remain on the last
selection for user convenience ...but it doesn't ...help!
<select name="session">
<option value="" <? echo ($session=='') ? "" : ""; ?>>SELECT
<option value="1" <? echo ($session=='1') ? "selected=" : "";
?>>SESSION 1</option>></select>
<select name="employment_status">
<option value="" <? echo ($session=='') ? "selected" : ""; ?>>SELECT
<option value="1" <? echo ($employment_status=='1') ? "selected" :
""; ?>>STATUS 1</option>></select>
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