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Re: displaying the result of a COUNT query in MySQL

Posted by Andy Hassall on 12/19/05 22:47

On 19 Dec 2005 12:24:35 -0800, wrote:

Kimmo originally wrote:

>>$result = mysql_query('SELECT COUNT(*) AS foo FROM table') or

But you've used:

>$query6 = "SELECT COUNT (movie_id) as quant FROM movies WHERE divx = 1
>AND format = 'reg'" or die(mysql_error());

You are missing the call to mysql_query().

>$result6 = mysql_fetch_array($query6);

... so $query6 just contains the SQL string, and not a MySQL result set
resource identifier. You're not actually executing the SQL anywhere, or if you
are in the rest of the code, you haven't done the error checking there.

>later on the page:
>echo $result6[quant]

This should be: $result6['quant'].


p.s. You've got the posting style nearly right - however you should put your
new message _under_ the old one, not above, so the whole message makes sense
read on its own. You have "top posted".

Andy Hassall :: :: :: disk and FTP usage analysis tool



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