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Re: Susan - desperately seeking ...

Posted by Peter Fox on 12/22/05 11:27

Following on from Jon Skeet's message. . .

>I'd suggest splitting your problem into two parts:

Good idea

RFC 2616 tells you how to compose HTTP requests and interpret the HTTP
responses. (Not surprisingly, that's what PHP uses for all it's web

>1) Write a PHP script which can spit back the dummy data. (You can test
>this with a web browser)
>2) Write a C# client app which can download data from an arbitrary URL.
>(You can test this with a web server with a dummy file on.)
>If you get stuck on either part, please post on the appropriate group
>with how far you've got.

PETER FOX Not the same since the bookshop idea was shelved
2 Tees Close, Witham, Essex.
Gravity beer in Essex <>



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