Posted by tony on 12/23/05 11:15
Wayne wrote:
> On 22 Dec 2005 07:54:07 -0800, tony@marston-home.demon.co.uk wrote:
> >> But I didn't say $FOO or $Foo. I said $foo and $foO!
> >
> >Any programmer who deliberately mixes case like that is a candidate for
> >the unemployment queue.
> So then, why should the programming language allow it?!?
> >The majority of programmers that I have worked with on
> >case-insensitive languages do NOT like being told that case is suddenly
> >important, that you must use one in preference to the other.
> Ok... so let me get this straight. First you say that mixing cases
> is bad and then you say that programmers don't like being told that
> case is suddenly important. Those two things are contradictory.
What I'm saying is that some teams like their variable names in all
upper case, while others like them all lower case. Either is
acceptable, but mixing case in the same variable name is frowned upon
by both camps.
> Either case isn't important and programmers can mix case at will or
> case is importantant. Give me one good reason why the language should
> not enforce solid industry practices and keep poor unknowning
> programmers out of the unemployment queue?
> >*this* way or *that* way from now on everybody MUST do it *that* way
> >for no other reason than to be consistent.
> You just argued for that consistency in the first line of your post.
> >> People have no
> >> trouble will all caps or the first letter capitalized. What about the
> >> difference between setsLower() and setSlower()? To a human reader
> >> those have different meanings,
> >
> >Not to me, they don't.
> So lets say we're in a case-insensitive language and the function I
> described above is listed in the program with both those cases. Tell
> me, please, what does that function do?
The function name is listed only once, but it can be invoked in either
upper or lower case. Any language that deliberately allowed the same
function name to do different things just because of a change in case
would be rejected by most programmers. I am fighting AGAINST
introducing case-sensitivity for the simple reason that it would allow
that situation to happen.
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