Posted by David Haynes on 12/23/05 13:58
steve02a@gmail.com wrote:
> I have a simple html form built that a user puts name, company,
> address..blah..blah, you know - and it dumps it all in a db I created
> in MySQL.
> Below is my php script:
> <?php
> if (strlen($name) > 2) {
> $dbh=mysql_connect ("localhost", "reseller", "PASSWORD HERE") or die
> ('I cannot connect to the database because: ' . mysql_error());
> mysql_select_db ("autonomi_reseller ");
> $date = time();
> $insertq = "INSERT INTO apply SET first_name = '$first_name', last_name
> = '$last_name', email = '$email', company = '$company', address1 =
> '$address1', address2 = '$address2', city = '$city', state_province =
> '$state_province', zip_or_postalcode = '$zip_or_postalcode', phone =
> '$phone'";
> mysql_query($insertq) or die (mysql_error());
> echo '<html><head><title>Redirect</title><script language="javascript">
> <!--
> location.redirect("http://url.com here");
> -->
> </script>
> ';
> }
> ?>
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> Whne I execute the script after I filled in all the info on the webpage
> form, I get this error:
> Parse error: parse error, unexpected $ in
> /home/autonomi/public_html/php/app.php on line 23
> What am I missing in my php script? It's driving me nuts trying to
> figure it out. Thanks in advance.
I ran the code you posted through a couple of PHP IDEs I have and the
code is syntactically correct. I am wondering why you are doing all that
messy stuff with javascript just to get the redirect when there is a PHP
function for it. See my reworked example below:
if (strlen($name) > 2) {
$dbh = mysql_connect("localhost", "reseller", "PASSWORD HERE")
or die('I cannot connect to the database because: '
mysql_select_db("autonomi_reseller", $dbh);
$date = time(); // not sure why this is done
$insertq = "insert into apply( "
."first_name, "
."last_name, "
."email, "
."company, "
."address1, "
."address2, "
."city, "
."state_province, "
."zip_or_postalcode, "
."phone "
.") values ( "
."'$first_name', "
."'$last_name', "
."'$email' "
."'$company', "
."'$address1', "
."'$address2', "
."'$city', "
."'$state_province', "
."'$zip_or_postalcode', "
."'$phone' "
.") ";
mysql_query($insertq, $dbh)
or die(mysql_error());
header('http://url.com here');
I find setting out the insert the way I have makes it much easier to see
what is meant by the insert. You could do the same with the 'set column
= $column' form if you prefer it.
Even though the specification of the database connection is optional, I
like to put it in anyway because I am very paranoid when I code.
Hope this helps.
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