Posted by Sam Smith on 05/11/05 00:41
> Sam Smith wrote:
>> I have an existing PDF file that I want to add text to or make changes to
>> text with data from an HTML form via PHP.
>> The PDF looks like this:
>> 20 0 obj<</Length 5586/Filter[/ASCII85Decode/FlateDecode]>>stream
>> 8;X-DgMYb:(An746bc%oU,Mo*S<nfn`(:.P:CnHNZLL%2;CCTp,!@2g_u'+2VqIkV
>> -$2%Ipq]A
>> aoW>]"SN?epNo...
>> That is, not in plain text.
>> If I wanted to add text to the PDF, e.g., Mr. Jones, where the heck would it
>> go and what would it look like?
>> Thanks
> it's a compressed pdf. make uncompressed pdf and you should see the raw text
Got it. In the distiller settings file: /CompressPages false
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