Posted by Balazs Wellisch on 01/07/06 06:28
> There are a number of database technologies that will allow you to set
> up replication even in high transaction environments. Oracle's RAS for
> example.
Sorry, I guess I should've mentioned we have to use MySQL.
> Another option is to model the sessions through a persistence object that
> uses a database as a backing model. . (Think queries answered from the
> persistence object, writes go all the way through to the database, missing
> queries are answered from database)
That's a promissing idea. But I still don't see how that will help when a
session jumps from one server to another. Some mechanisim must ensure that
the entire session, along with whatever variables that session contains, is
current on each server. So, if a session gets created on server A and then
it jumps to server B it would have to already exist there. Otherwise the
user could have their session reset a number of times during their visit.
Replication is the only tool I know of that can accomplish this. Any
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