Posted by Katipo on 01/08/06 22:32
Greetings from a fellow genealogist.
Have a look at this site: http://www.phpclasses.org/
There are a few RTF generators available there, although I have not tried
any of them myself.
Good luck with the research!
"Peter Chant" <pete@petezilla.co.uk> wrote in message
> Any thoughts in the newsgroup?
> Over Christmas I produced, using PHP and MySQL, a database and front end
> to
> record my familys family tree with a short biography and linked photos and
> locations if desired. All this works fairly well.
> However, as a followup I'd like to create a report this data as a report
> (or
> booklet) in printed format. The simplest and probably least satisfactory
> way is to format it in very simple HTML and import it into the word
> processor of choice.
> Better ways I assume are to export it in PDF or RTF. I am veering toward
> RTF.
> PDF - pros:
> Probably the neatest solution from a user point of view.
> PDF - cons:
> PHP was not compliled on my Slackware 10.0 linux system with the pdf
> functions working.
> My parents are running XP home, I doubt if phpdev5 (beta) has the same pdf
> functions compliled in.
> Basically I don't want to go through the rigmarole of recompiling php on
> two
> dissimilar systems.
> I could generate XLS-FO directly, then use FOP to generate PDF. I would
> probably spend a lot of time getting this to work under two separate
> systems, and have to get java working on XP. Hastle if I am not all that
> familiar with java.
> I could create a DTD, get my script to produce XML and then use a template
> and something like sablotron to generate XML. That seems like a
> sledgehammer to crack a nut. Also, I must be getting the wrong end of the
> stick with XML, as last time I tried it created far far more work than it
> saved. Saving effort seems to be a large point of XML.
> RTF - pros:
> Since this is basically one step from hand coding, using my script to
> directly generate rtf is relatively self contained and therefore not
> dependent on successfully installing a lot of other stuff.
> RTF - cons:
> I've still not managed to add images to RTF.
> RTF is horrid, wrt to human readability of what my scripts are generating,
> making debugging rather nasty.
> Even if it works now in open office and word I have no way of knowing I
> have
> not created broken RTF that future word processors might balk at.
> Any thoughts?
> Pete
> --
> http://www.petezilla.co.uk
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