Posted by Jaak on 01/14/06 18:32
"Colin McKinnon"
<colin.thisisnotmysurname@ntlworld.deletemeunlessURaBot.com> schreef in
bericht news:SI7yf.39425$q4.23611@newsfe2-gui.ntli.net...
> Jaak wrote:
>> I've installed EasyPHP on my Windows machine, which does the job really
>> fine. Apache, PHP and MySQL easy going.
>> What are the possibilities for installing a local IMAP and POP server for
>> the same test/develop purposes?
> On Linux it's a dawdle. On Microsoft Windows? Jeez you people just don't
> get
> the idea that Microsoft Windows is only good for desktops. IME the only
> reliable, standards compliant mail server running natively on MSWin is
> Ipswitch's Imail.
> Go download a copy of a Linux distro somewhere. You'll (eventually) be
> glad
> you did.
Its for my laptop and not for the server. Our server gladly is a linux and
that will stay like that.
The imap/pop and ftp server doesn't need to have security, mailbox
fetching/synchronising, or any other shit, it just has to accept connections
and handle the standard imap/pop/ftp protocol
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